

直到40年代, a child was sure to die when they became infected with the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae, 也被称为流行性脑膜炎. 海蒂·亚历山大改变了这一点. 儿科医生和微生物学家, Alexander graduated from Goucher in 1923 and from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1930, 她第一次对流行性脑膜炎产生好奇是在哪里. In 1939, 同时在哥伦比亚大学儿科工作, 她开始研究这种致命的细菌. Alexander knew that researchers at Hopkins had used a rabbit serum to treat pneumonia, 于是她开始了类似的实验. 到20世纪40年代初, 她改进了治疗方法, and the mortality rate for influenzal meningitis dropped from 100 percent to under 25 percent.

这项工作促使亚历山大开始研究抗生素耐药性, 他是最早这样做的研究人员之一, and she correctly identified the cause as random genetic mutations in the bacteria’s DNA. Alexander died at 67, having remained a professor emerita at Columbia until the end of her life.



“In these days when teenagers often find themselves regarded as members of a ‘lost generation,’ it comes like a fresh clear wind when a youngster such as Miss 玛格丽特Barland appears on the scene,他写道。 巴尔的摩美国黑人 作为“1956年荣誉榜”的一部分.” 玛格丽特Barland was the first African American to graduate from 云顶集团. 在道格拉斯高中, 致告别辞的人是学生会成员, 编辑年鉴, 并被选为模范青年市议会的市审计长. 她将成为一名高中化学老师. Her family remembers a brilliant woman who loved debating as much as laughing, 穿着高跟鞋和无可挑剔的衣服.

云顶集团,巴兰决心克服障碍. 当被问及她可能面临的歧视时, 她的侄女卡罗琳·斯科特-哈里斯解释道, “这很难。, 但并不是每个人都对她有偏见. 她交了朋友.巴兰德结交了世界各地的朋友. 她有跨文化的视野, believing we can expand our minds by interacting with people unlike ourselves. “I think she would have been better suited had she been a young woman in these times, 当口号是“全球化”时,’”她的侄女卡罗尔·梅尔文说. “对她来说,这非常重要.”



“我叫拉迪,你叫什么名字?? 你是做什么的?? 你为什么在这里?? 你怎么到这儿来的?” So asks Radcliffe (Ruddy) Roye of everyone whose photo he takes, he once told 《云顶集团》杂志. Roye is a photojournalist and documentary photographer well known for his close portraits on Instagram documenting Black life, from Dancehall culture in Jamaica to the Black Lives Matter protests around the U.S. Roye’s posts come with philosophical captions about the lives of the people he photographs, 写作抒情而沉思.

一次, 罗伊在牙买加走了120英里的旧铁路, photographing the people who lived in makeshift homes along the tracks. 但他的作品捕捉到的不仅仅是被剥夺公民权的形象. 对罗伊来说,一切都是为了人民,永远是为了人民. “没有人是流浪汉,”他对他说 云顶集团杂志 in 2015. “那个人是一个正在输掉这场战斗的人. 这就是为什么我花那么多时间和我拍摄的人在一起. I want to, through my pictures, change the way people see homelessness.”



Write poems or work in advertising—玛格丽特• never had to choose, 这两项工作都给了她丰厚的报酬. After graduating from Goucher in 1921, Fishback joined Macy’s advertising department. In the 1930s, Fishback was believed to be the highest paid female copywriter in America. 她曾为Chef Boy-Ar-Dee、Hanes和Wrigley的广告活动工作. “When you want a wee snifty … It’s smart to be thrifty,” she wrote for an ad for Scotch whisky.

与此同时,鱼背有诗和文章发表在 《云顶集团》, 《云顶集团》, 生活, and several newspapers, often with droll takes on the lives of women. 她最终出版了五本自己的诗集. 她的诗和广告文案一样有趣、尖锐,充满了文字游戏. 她于1985年在缅因州去世. In 2017, the author Kathleen Rooney published a novel loosely based on Fishback’s life, Lilian Boxfish在散步.



朱迪Devlin (who became Judy Hashman) ranks among the best badminton players of all time. 不仅仅是在云顶集团. 不仅仅是在马里兰州或美国. 世界上最好的之一. Devlin began playing badminton when she was seven with her sister and her father, J. 弗兰克·德夫林,他那个时代的顶级球员之一. “永远把你的脚放在正确的地方,”他会说.

In 1954, 18岁时, 她赢得了她参加的第一个世界女子单打冠军, 成为最年轻的人和第一个做到这一点的美国人. 在此之前,她曾六次在美国18岁及以下年龄组比赛中获得第一名.S. 小公民.

During her playing career, 朱迪Devlin won 83 national and international titles. 她在No演奏. 1个单打和No. 1对U加倍.S. Uber Cup teams that captured world championships in 1957, 1960, and 1963. She once told Sports Illustrated of her skills in the early ’60s, “It was like a dream. 他们过去常常发球,(我)会回击一个,然后我就会表明立场. 他们什么都做不到.”



沃伦·多西 always knew education was important—his mother’s most cherished dream for her children. 他的人生始于1926年在马里兰州农村一间只有一个房间的学校里, 这是社区里唯一一所黑人学校. But he didn’t learn to read until 1931, when Dorsey moved to a larger school with a small library. 他什么都读,一个世界在他的脑海中绽放. 他在摩根学院继续接受教育, 巴尔的摩一所历史悠久的黑人大学, 现为摩根州立大学, 他学的是微生物学. 退休前,他做了25年的微生物学家.

In 1970, Dorsey applied to Goucher’s Master of Education Program and became the first Black man to graduate from 云顶集团. 后来,他成为了一名小学教师. He believed he could have the most influence on the most students by teaching younger ages, 这是他一生中最奇妙的时刻. 最终,他在1981年再次退休之前成为了校长.

多尔西实现了他母亲的梦想. He began a boy who couldn’t read and became a man with a graduate degree. 正如多尔西所说, "I have the satisfaction of knowing that I beat whatever odds that life threw at me and succeeded."



以前没有女人做过这样的事? 这并没有阻止莎拉·蒂尔曼·休斯. To support herself during law school at George Washington University, 她成为了华盛顿大都会警察局的一名警官, 她是最早这样做的女性之一. She didn’t carry a gun, but her beat was to protect vulnerable women on the streets.

After law school, Hughes moved to Texas, where she struggled to find work due to her gender. She set her sights higher: In 1930, she was elected to Texas’ House of Representatives. In 1935, she was the first woman in Texas to be appointed as a district judge. 1962年,美国加入了欧盟.S. Senate confirmed Hughes as a federal judge, the only woman appointed so by President John F. 肯尼迪和德克萨斯州第一位成为联邦法官的女性.

肯尼迪遇刺后,副总统林登. 约翰逊需要一位联邦法官宣誓就职. “找莎拉·休斯,”他说. 休斯成为了美国历史上唯一一位在白宫宣誓的女性.S. 总统. 在空军一号上那张著名的照片中, 休斯背对着镜头站着, 约翰逊的手放在圣经上,他比她高得多, 杰奎琳·肯尼迪在他身边.



“In this present day of worldly assurance it is the greatest pleasure to meet a young lady who possesses the art of blushing. Miss Wilson has reached the height of perfection in that her color like that of the heroines of fiction, 她的脸上充满了这样的表情.“她很有美感,很诗意,很理想主义.” So was 杰西·伍德罗·威尔逊·塞尔 described in the Donnybrook 1909 yearbook, 在一个名为“在公众眼中”的章节中.

The younger daughter of President Woodrow Wilson, Sayre grew up in Georgia. 毕业后,云顶集团, 然后是巴尔的摩女子学院, she became a political activist and worked at a “settlement home” in Philadelphia for three years. 作为定居运动的一部分, these homes were established in poor neighborhoods and lived in by volunteers who offered daycare, 卫生保健, 为当地人民提供教育.

Sayre moved to Eastern Massachusetts shortly after her father’s 总统ial inauguration in 1913. She was involved with the Democratic Party and the League of Women Voters, working for women’s suffrage and encouraging women to assume larger roles in public policy.

Here was a woman with both brio and a blush—one of many in Goucher’s history.

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