• Giving
  • Why Giving Matters
  • Why I Give
  • Why I Give

    Berdann Photo

    Dr. Benjamin and Florence Silverman Berdann '47

    Benjamin and Florence Berdann say they were pleasantly surprised when they made a gift to Goucher. "Our gift to Goucher lowered our taxes and provided us with income for life," says Florence. "We liked it so much; we made a second life-income gift." 


    Monique Marrow '00 and Michelle Marrow '00

    "Goucher was so important in our development: friends who supported us, professors who helped us to the next level, it became part of our life, and we honor that."


    Marc and Margie Goldberg Okun '78

    "Goucher is a special place. We want to make sure these kids will always have access to first-rate facilities and to great coaches."


    Jeremy Kraut-Ordover '01

    "Naming Goucher as a beneficiary of my retirement plan was an affordable way to make a big difference for the college that prepared me for a lifetime of learning and growth."


    Barbara Pilert '72

    "A good education gives you the tools to go out into the world and educate yourself. That's what Goucher gave me–and that's what I want for the students today."


    Clay and Susanne Emory '56

    "Education is one of the most important things you can give your children. You should pick a school that means something to you and give as best you can."


    Elaine Freeman '58

    Elaine Freeman graduated from Goucher College in 1958 and retired in 2006, after an impressive career as vice president for corporate communications for Johns Hopkins Medicine. She credits Goucher for some of her success. "When my husband and I were updating our estate plans, we named Goucher as one of the beneficiaries of our retirement plans. It 's our way of paying back for the freedom Goucher gave me to pursue a career in journalism while I was still a student."